DPA returned with its Hollywood awards gift suite honoring the 2025 Oscar nominees at the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel

Nathalie Dubois and DPA returned for the week of the Oscars, with “The DPA Diamond Lounge 2025 honoring the Oscars” featuring unique and amazing international brands in five suites in a garden setting of the Luxe Sunset Boulevard hotel.

The event featured a total of 32 worldwide brands, with products gifted to guests who attended the spectacular event: DPA started its operations with Japan close to two decades ago and opened an office in Tokyo with Japanese partners in 2017. This year, DPA created a small Japanese lounge with Soubou: Six Japanese artisans which were introduced to the DPA guests and the US market to showcase their products: From clothing to blankets and carpets and towels, from Ikebana (art of flowers) to tatami and matcha tea utensils and traditional Japanese paper(washi), Kitama Wool Weaving, Cucuri (Arimatsu Shibori), Takaokaya Tsunekawa Tatamiten, Maruta Shoten, Pele Malie Flowers, and Kashiwaya Co., Ltd which presented centuries old traditional technics to the DPA guests.

Staying in Asia, Besselco showcased three Korean beauty brands with innovative products: Centeliann24, W. Dressroom and Madeca Derma which gifted facial masks, serum, creams, perfumes…as well as Australian (Goop’s find) Ere Perez, American SkinMedica, Blown LA, House of Laser, Body Sauce collection (the new skincare brand created by USactor Terrence Terrell) and stars ’favorite Naturelle with love (natural skincare and oral care products made from Bulgarian rose).

High luxury and red carpet brands were also represented: Tess Mann Atelier was back in the DPA lounge with exquisite and unique gowns, Swiss Demarquet  introduced the newest of its beautiful clutches, “the envelope”, and Sal Y Limon  gifted once again its good luck bracelets. Yacht Club Access, a luxury swim and resort brand, introduced its exclusive Yoga/Fitness wear collaboration with Metric Matmarking an exciting expansion into the athleisure space.

Some of DPA’s favorites are Kokom Scrunchies: Mya Beaudry, a youth from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, from the Algonquin Nation (First Nation), showcased her latest collection and the core collection made from Kokom Scarves, and continued her mission to inspire other youth. The other talk of the suite was certainly Monkey Snax with its freeze-dried ice cream, a revolutionary concept!

DPA gave back to some LA fire victims, and for this event and donated a space in the gift suite, to support “This Girl Walks into a Bar”. This cocktails mixers brand is owned by two sisters, one of whom lost her home, and all their bartending business supplies in the Palisades fire. The Palisades brand created three cocktails for the DPA event: “Hollywood Stars”, “The Red Carpet” and “LA Strong”

The remaining Brands represented in the suite or gift bags were:Beach Sandy, Black Château Enterprises, authors Mick Heyman, Corey Poirier and Oshri, medium Kim Alexander, pet communicator Connect with Keao, Perduret, Bonilla A La Vista (most expensive chips in the world), Chipz Happen, Slow North, Waterloo and Hidden Foods (back with their pasta and waffles bar). Selected nominees also walked away with a strip to Le Taha’a by Pearl Resorts in French Polynesia.

DPA also promotes Isha Foundation, the foundation created by yogi and visionary founder Sadhguru, behind the global movement for a conscious planet #savesoil.

You can find details on DPA at www.dpagroup.org

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